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Codex Celestial

Astrological musings on world events, past and future, by  Adrian Bonaparte
DALL·E 2024-06-28 15.59.20 - An open antique astronomy book with Arabic writings, showing


In his 13th century treatise on Mundane Astrology, Italian astrologer Guido Bonatti described the Mars-Saturn conjunction as a cyclical indicator of potential conflicts. These conjunctions occur about every 2 years in different signs. He argued that those occurring in the first decan of Cancer are the most powerful, since the sign of Cancer is the detriment of both planets.

This correlation could be used as a test of the validity of the sidereal zodiac compared with the tropical zodiac, since wars and conflicts are generally well documented. The first decan of Cancer will differ significantly in absolute location depending on the type of zodiac. The Mars-Saturn conjunctions occurring in the best zodiac system should lead to significantly more war-like events than other zodiac systems.

To carry out this test, I used the Electional Search facility of the SolarFire astrology software. I searched for all instances of Mars conjunct Saturn in the first decan of Cancer for the past 300 years. I first used the tropical zodiac and then repeated the same search, using the sidereal zodiac (Fagan-Allen).  I retrieved 5 instances of a Mars-Saturn conjunction in early Cancer for each zodiac system.

For the dates of the conjunctions, I searched Wikipedia for war-like events including declarations of war, battles, sieges, mass murders, and acts of terrorism. I limited the event search from one month before the conjunction to one year later. I gave a score of one to each event, and tabulated the sums as shown below.  I also made a note of the main aspects to the conjunction, including fixed stars.

There was a total of 33 belligerent events using the tropical zodiac, whereas with the sidereal zodiac there were 47 events, an increase of 42%. What was even more striking was the amount of variation in the number of events from year to year, even though all were taking place in early Cancer. The absolute lowest (1 event) took place in 1887, when the Mars-Saturn conjunction was sextile Venus and square Jupiter, the two benefics. Another “quiet” year was 1739, with 3 events. In this case the conjunction was with Neptune, and trine Venus. The highest score took place in 1799, with 19 events; the conjunction was also a parallel in declination, and biquintile Pluto, quintile North Node, and biquintile Moon.

I would argue from the above that the zodiac location of the Mars-Saturn conjunction is less important than the actual aspects from other bodies in forecasting subsequent conflicts. Aspects to the benefics may be followed by a low number of conflicts, whereas multiple hard aspects to the Nodes, Pluto or the luminaries may increase belligerent activity. In this small study the sidereal zodiac gives better results, but a larger, more systematic review would be required for statistical significance.

The last Mars-Saturn conjunction took place on April 10th, 2024. The chart for Washington DC has the conjunction angular on the descendant in 19* Aquarius (sidereal). Aquarius has traditionally been linked to both Russia and Iran, and on the 7th house sets them up as potential adversaries. This conjunction was sextile to a satellitium that included the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus. It was also conjunct the fixed star Achernar, which has positive, Jupiter-like qualities. Hence these features should mitigate the potential dangers to Washington. The next Mars-Saturn conjunction is not due until 2026.


Mars-Saturn conjunctions using the Tropical zodiac


 Mars-Saturn conjunctions using the Sidereal zodiac


Mars-Saturn conjunction for Washington, DC, April 2024



The volcanic winter of 536 was one of the most severe and prolonged periods of climate cooling in the Northern Hemisphere in the past 2,000 years. This event was caused by at least three simultaneous volcanic eruptions, although the exact locations of these eruptions remain uncertain, with several possibilities proposed across different continents. Most contemporary accounts of the volcanic winter come from Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, but the effects of the cooler temperatures were felt far beyond Europe. Modern research has determined that early in 536 AD (or possibly late 535), volcanic eruptions released massive amounts of sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere, reducing the solar radiation reaching Earth's surface and cooling the atmosphere for several years. In March 536, Constantinople experienced darkened skies and lower temperatures.


Summer temperatures in 536 dropped by up to 2.5°C below normal in Europe. The impact of the 536 volcanic winter was exacerbated in 539-540 by another volcanic eruption, which further decreased summer temperatures by up to 2.7°C below normal in Europe. Evidence suggests yet another eruption occurred in 547, extending the cool period. These volcanic eruptions led to crop failures and were accompanied by the Plague of Justinian, famine, and millions of deaths, initiating the Late Antique Little Ice Age, which lasted from 536 to 560. The plague alone killed one third of the population of the Byzantine empire.


The medieval scholar Michael McCormick described 536 as "the beginning of one of the worst periods to be alive, if not the worst year." Roman historian Procopius, in his account of the wars with the Vandals, noted in 536 that "the sun gave forth its light without brightness... and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse." In 538, Roman statesman Cassiodorus wrote about the weak, bluish rays of the sun, the absence of shadows at noon, and the feeble heat, among other unusual phenomena. Letters from this period discuss plans to relieve widespread famine. Accounts from the Irish Annals and Chinese sources also document crop failures, famine, and unusual weather patterns. Some authors reported that grain was so scarce that the price of one Kg was the equivalent of $2000 in modern currency. The Southern hemisphere was not spared either – there is evidence of the collapse of the Moche culture in Peru at that time.


Scientific evidence, such as tree ring analysis and ice cores, shows minimal growth in Irish oak in 536 and a significant drop in 542 after partial recovery. Ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica reveal substantial sulfate deposits around 534, indicating an extensive acidic dust veil.


Theories about the cause of the 536 climatic changes initially included both volcanic eruptions and impact events. However, more recent studies have identified strong evidence linking the observed dimming and cooling to a large volcanic eruption in 536, though an asteroid impact event during this period cannot be completely ruled out. The exact source of the eruption is uncertain. Recent geochemical analyses point to volcanoes from the Aleutian Islands, British Columbia or Mono Craters, California.


The 536 event and the resulting famine may explain the deposition of gold hoards by Scandinavian elites at the end of the Migration Period, possibly as offerings to appease the gods. It has been suggested that mythological events like the Fimbulwinter and Ragnarök could be based on cultural memories of this event. Some historians also speculate that the climate changes contributed to significant historical developments, including the Plague of Justinian, the migration of Mongol tribes, the fall of the Sassanid and Gupta Empires, and the rise of Islam. However, these ideas are not widely accepted within mainstream scholarship. Some recent interpretations link the climate change of 536 to events in Arthurian legend, such as the Battle of Camlann. Additionally, some historians argue that this catastrophe played a role in the decline of the Roman Empire.


The catastrophic events of this era merit a detailed astrological study. The critical constellation in play for this period was identified in the early 2000’s by American astrologer Richard Nolle as the “Justinian’s T-square”. A very powerful configuration consisting of a Saturn-Uranus conjunction opposed by Neptune and squared by Jupiter, in fixed (sidereal) signs. The position of Jupiter is of interest, being conjunct the Norma Cluster, near the centre of the Great Attractor. The timing of this event corresponds to the solar eclipse of March 8, 536. This occurred at 15*21’ Pisces (Sidereal), conjunct Algenib, a fixed star with unfortunate connotations. I cast the eclipse charts for the three most likely sites of the volcanic explosions. The chart for the Eastern Aleutians points to this area being the most likely initial eruption. It has Uranus rising and the T-square angular, occupying the 1st, 4th and 7th houses. The eclipse itself is in the 8th house of Death, biquintile Uranus and quintile Mars. The Aleutians region in Alaska is very active geophysically, with a whole chain of active volcanoes and frequent severe earthquakes.


Solar eclipse at Eastern Aleutians, Alaska, March 536 AD

Given the severe consequences on life on earth and human affairs, one would expect the relevant solar ingresses to show stressful patterns as well. This was in fact the case. The preceding Capricorn ingress took place on December 24, 535. It had the Sun conjunct Pluto and square the Lunar Nodes. Pluto was also at the midpoint of Jupiter/Neptune. The Moon was quintile Saturn and biquintile Mars. The T-square was beginning to form and, in Rome, it was angular in the 1st, 7th and 10th houses. It was also angular in Byzantium, with Uranus at the MC and Jupiter at the Ascendant. In 536 Emperor Justinian launched an invasion of Italy, an attempt to expel the Goths and regain control of the Western Roman empire. The battles that followed were utterly ruinous for Italy.


Capricorn ingress for Byzantium, December AD 535 

A similar, but weaker, configuration occurred in 2006. Saturn was in opposition to Neptune, both in T-square to Jupiter, in cardinal signs. Absent was the Saturn-Uranus conjunction. Jupiter was in its own decan of Libra. Geophysical events recorded at the time were somewhat limited. An earthquake took place in Yogyacarta , Indonesia, that left nearly 6000 people dead. A massive mudslide in the Philippines caused over 1000 deaths. There were 88 volcanic eruptions in total, which is a somewhat higher number than the average of 60-80 per year. However, these were mostly mild, with a VEI (volcanic explosivity index) of less than 4.


T-Square of 2006 at its peak

AD 536 was by all accounts the worst year in recorded human history. A series of major volcanic eruptions triggered the lethal sequence of volcanic winters, famine, conflicts and epidemics. Modern science has allowed us to reconstruct this history and its roots, which was previously poorly understood. There have been major volcanic eruptions with some climatic impacts since then, but not on the same scale and without the same severe global consequences. These will be the subject of further studies.

Pluto conjunct Altair:  Epic Events in 2025

Pluto is the slowest planet in the solar system, with an orbital cycle of 248 years. Whenever it comes within orb of a conjunction with a fixed star, the effects will be long lasting. It has been within 1* of ecliptic conjunction with the fixed star Altair since April this year, and will be exact (partile) in 2025, when the effects on worldly affairs will be most strongly felt.

Altair is in the constellation of Aquila, the Eagle. It is associated with high-flying ambition, intense daring, quest for freedom but also cruelty and brutality. It has a connection with pilots and airmen. Previous conjunctions with Pluto have taken place on 8 occasions since 1 AD. It is important to correlate them with the historical records in order to determine its future significance.

The first contact took place in AD 44-45, when a major expansion of the Roman Empire took place. Emperor Claudius conquered southern Britain; Palestine, Algeria, Morocco and Rhodes became Roman provinces. However, there was much suffering among Jews - a famine prevailed in Judea after a suppressed revolt, and Claudius expelled all Jews from Rome. Pluto was in extreme declination South. It was trine the North Node and sesquiquadrate Jupiter.


During the second conjunction of AD 291-292 there was a huge loss of life in Northern China during a civil war. Significant turmoil took place in the northern provinces of the Roman Empire. Pluto was in extreme declination South, and sesquiquadrate the North Node.


The third conjunction took place in 539 AD. During this year there were world-wide famines due to extreme weather events of 535-536; Emperor Justinian of the Byzantine Empire was engaged in conflicts both in Italy and Eastern Europe. Pluto continued in extreme declination south, and semisquare Jupiter.


The fourth conjunction occurred in 786 AD. There was political upheaval in Britain, with assassinations and executions. Battles took place in the Middle East near Medina, which led to the beginning of the Idrisid dynasty and the nation of Morocco. Pluto was in extreme declination South, and square the Nodes.


In 1034 AD the fifth conjunction took place. The Byzantine emperor Romanos III is drowned in his bath by his wife. The king of Poland is also assassinated.  The Count of Portugal conquered Muslim-controlled Montemor-o-Velho, and a Genoese fleet attacked and occupied the Muslim city of Bona in Tunisia. Pluto was still in extreme declination South, and in opposition Saturn and Uranus.


The sixth conjunction was noted in 1281-2. Large scale battles occurred between invading Mongols in Syria and the local Mamluks. In East Asia, August 1281, the epic Battle of Koan was actually “won” by the “kamikaze” or sacred wind. The planned invasion of Japan by a combined Chinese and Mongol fleet of 4000 ships was destroyed by a violent typhoon, with huge loss of life. At the Aries ingress for Beijing, Gemini (air sign!) was rising, with the Moon conjunct Uranus in the first house. Uranus has a connection with extreme weather events. Jupiter was conjunct the South Node and applying trine Pluto, the latter in the 8th house of death. Is Altair connected to elemental air power such as typhoons?


The seventh contact occurred in 1529. This year marked the beginning of the Protestant movement in Germany. In a similar act of protest, the German philosopher Cornelius Agrippa published the treatise "Declamation on the Nobility and Pre-eminence of the Female Sex". This was a book pronouncing the theological and moral superiority of women - an early manifesto for the Feminist Movement. The Ottoman army left Constantinople to invade Hungary again; Suleiman the Magnificent laid siege to Vienna. Suleiman, however, had to abandon the siege one month later and turn back – a major turning point in the Ottoman wars in Europe. This was in large part due to lack of food and bad weather…Pluto’s “Force Majeure”! At the preceding Aries Ingress for Vienna, Pluto was in a grand trine including Venus and the Ascendant. At the Libra Ingress of October 2nd, Jupiter was at the Viennese Ascendant.


1529 Aries Ingress for Vienna, Austria

The eighth conjunction took place in 1777. This was the final year of the American Revolutionary War, concluding with American victory and international recognition of the US as a new, independent nation. In addition, several towns were founded by the Spanish in California, future key cities of the USA. There was a major expedition by Captain Cook, leading to the discovery of several Pacific islands. For the Aries Ingress in Washington, Pluto was in the first House, square Saturn, and  grand trine with Mars and Venus.


It appears from history that Pluto conjunct Altair correlates with important or large-scale battles that conclude conflicts and define geopolitical boundaries that will last for centuries. Examples are the Roman conquest of Britain, the failed Mongol invasions of Japan, the War of American Independence and birth of the United States. There have also been episodes of large scale famines. Given the current troubles in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, it is likely that similar situations will arise in 2025. The current spike in global temperatures may give rise to more famines next year. The 2025 Aries ingress chart for Washington is shown. Leo is rising, its ruler, the Sun, is in a wide T-square with Mars and Pluto. This is indicates open conflict. There is a strong possibility of home soil being attacked, as Scorpio is at the 4th  house, and its rulers Mars and Pluto, square the Sun. However, the Pars Fortuna is conjunct Venus, Pluto is trine the MC, and Neptune sextile the MC, all positive indicators. I do hope that in 2025, Pluto and Altair will bring an end to all major current conflicts.


Uranus is close to the MC and trine Pluto, suggestive of air superiority in future conflicts

1986: The Chernobyl Disaster

The Chernobyl disaster, one of the most catastrophic nuclear accidents in history, occurred on April 26, 1986, at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near Pripyat, in the then Soviet Union (now Ukraine). Reactor No. 4 exploded during a late-night safety test, which was intended to simulate a power outage to ensure the reactor's cooling system could function independently of the power grid.


The explosion released a massive amount of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread across Europe. The immediate cause of the explosion was a combination of reactor design flaws and operator error. The reactor's design had inherent safety vulnerabilities, and during the test, operators disabled critical safety systems and violated operational protocols.


The explosion and subsequent fires released large quantities of radioactive isotopes, including iodine-131, cesium-137, and strontium-90. The initial explosion killed two plant workers, and over the following weeks, 28 emergency responders and plant operators died from acute radiation sickness. Thousands more were exposed to high levels of radiation, leading to long-term health effects such as cancer and other illnesses.


About 2 weeks earlier, a partial solar eclipse took place on April 9. The chart is shown for Kiev using the sidereal zodiac. Taurus was rising, with Capricorn at the MC. The eclipse took place at 24* Pisces, the Sun being parallel to Betelgeuse, a star with well known explosive connotations. The most striking feature is Uranus positioned exactly at the Descendant, squared by Mercury, ruler of the 2nd house of property. This was a clear indicator of the major economic damaged that ensued. Angular in the 7th house was the close conjunction between Mars and Neptune, a combination consistent with a large scale radioactive release. Saturn ruled the 10th house of the political leadership; it is cadent in the 6th house and in opposition to Chiron, pointing to detrimental effects on the country’s Soviet leaders secondary to the widespread health issues in the population. Venus ruled the Ascendant, hence the country as a whole. She was in opposition to Pluto, the latter in the 6th house of health, also pointing to the prevalence of radiation sickness in the population. Furthermore, Chiron was in sesquiquadrate to Pluto, confirming the above.


As is often the case in major events, there were multiple conjunctions with notable fixed stars. The Ascendant was conjunct Capella and Phact; The Sun was parallel Betelgeuse; Venus was conjunct Schedir; Saturn conjunct Antares; Uranus conjunct Ras Alhague; and the MC was conjunct Sualocin.


The previous sidereal Aries ingress occurred on April 14, and was also ominous. The charts for both Moscow and Kiev were very similar. The Ascendant was badly placed at the midpoint of Saturn/Pluto and conjunct Agena – potential for great scandal. It was also exact semisquare Mars, in turn activated by a conjunction with the fixed star Facies. a star associated with accidents and violent death. Two significant T-square patterns were operative. The first was Uranus-Mercury-Moon, with the Moon representing the common people on the cusp of 8th house of death. Uranus was semisquare Pluto and conjunct the fixed star Ras Alhague (linked to mental depravity).The second T-square was Saturn-Jupiter-Chiron, with Saturn in the 1st house conjunct Antares. Saturn was also in sesquiquadrate the Sun.


The Chernobyl disaster was indicated by both the preceding solar eclipse and the sidereal Aries ingress for the city of Kiev, the capital of the region at the time. The chart for the Aries ingress using the tropical zodiac was much less informative.



Twenty-two foundation letters: He placed them in a circle…. He directed them with the twelve constellations.


— Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation)


The alphabet is considered one of humanity's greatest inventions, making literacy more widespread and simplifying the recording and dissemination of information, culture, and history.

Classical writers and modern scholarship often trace the origins of the alphabet to Egypt, specifically to locations like Wadi el-Hol and Serabit el Kadim, suggesting an evolution from earlier hieroglyphic systems. In 1912, W. M. Flinders Petrie challenged the Egyptian origin theory, suggesting that pre-alphabetic signs in prehistoric Egypt indicate an origin of the alphabet that predates the hieroglyphic system.

In his paper from 2009, Brian Pellar discussed theories that connect the development of the alphabet to astronomical observations, including correlations between the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and 28 lunar asterisms in Chinese culture. The evolution from logograms to phonetic systems was examined, with the Phoenician alphabet highlighted as a crucial step in the alphabet's development, influencing scripts across Europe and Asia.

Pellar put forth a theory that the alphabet reflects a blend of astronomical knowledge and cultural exchange between the Near East and China, and possibly other regions. He proposed that the sequence and form of alphabetic characters correspond to astrological signs and constellations, arguing for a sophisticated underlying organizational principle. There are several archaeological findings to support his theory.

The text “Sefer Yetzirah” has been attributed to the biblical Abraham. He was brought up in Chaldea, the cradle of Astrology, and would have been educated in that very advanced culture. It is possible that the original 22 letters were aligned with the 11 constellations known at that time, two letters per sign. Capricorn and Aquarius were regarded as a single sign in that epoch.

Brian Pellar’s papers may be downloaded from:

Andromedae: the True Star of Israel?

In the realm of celestial events and their historical significance, few stars have garnered as much mystical and astrological intrigue as Andromedae. This star is known as "the Chained Lady" or "the Chained Woman" in English. It was known as Mulier Catenata ("chained woman") in Latin and al-Mar'at al Musalsalah in Arabic. It has also been called Persea ("Perseus's wife") or Cepheis ("Cepheus's daughter"), all names that refer to Andromeda's role in the Greco-Roman myth of Perseus, in which Cassiopeia, the queen of Ethiopia, bragged that her daughter was more beautiful than the Nereids, sea nymphs blessed with incredible beauty.

In the languages of the Hebrews and Phoenicians, it was common to describe a city or land as the offspring of its natural surroundings, such as rocks, deserts, rivers, or mountains.  Initially, Palestine was primarily a long coastal region marked by rocky landscapes and sandy shores. This geography was metaphorically described as the offspring of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, with "Cepha" meaning rock, suggesting the name Andromeda (symbolizing a bound woman) for a long stretch of coast or ridge.

Andromeda, catalogued by the Greco-Roman astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century, remains among the 88 constellations recognized today. Situated in the northern sky, it derives its name from the mythological figure Andromeda, the daughter of Cassiopeia, who was doomed to be devoured by the sea creature Cetus while bound to a rock. Visible primarily during the fall in the Northern Hemisphere, Andromeda is part of a group of constellations related to the Perseus narrative. Its location, with a northern declination, means it can only be seen from locations north of 40° south latitude. Lambda Andromedae, the right hand of the chained lady, is located at 24026’ of sidereal Pisces.

This star's unique position and the celestial events surrounding it have led me to propose it as the true "Star of Israel", if not of whole Palestine. This hypothesis is supported by several key astrological alignments and historical moments that coincide with the state and people of Israel. This article explores the evidence supporting lambda Andromedae's claim to this title, weaving together astrology, history, and cultural milestones.

1. Pisces and Israel: An Ancient Connection

The zodiac sign of Pisces has long been associated with the nation of Israel. This connection is deeply rooted in astrological tradition, where Pisces, represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, symbolizes duality, spirituality, and the struggles and triumphs of the human spirit. In Jewish mysticism, the Age of Pisces, which coincides with the current astrological age, is often linked with the era of the Messiah and the eventual redemption of the Jewish people. This deep, symbolic association sets the stage for considering celestial bodies within Pisces as significant to Israel's destiny.


 2. Historical and Astrological Alignments

The connection between Andromedae and pivotal moments in Jewish history is striking. Notably, the planet Mercury was conjunct with lambda Andromedae during the 597 BCE fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, a calamity that led to the Babylonian Exile. This alignment suggests a celestial marker for significant shifts in Jewish fate.

Further supporting the star's significance, Johannes Kepler, the renowned astronomer, identified the "Star of Bethlehem" as the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 7 BCE. This event occurred very close to lambda Andromedae, linking it to one of the most pivotal moments in Christian and, by extension, Jewish history, given the intertwined destinies of these faiths.

Additionally, Mars was conjunct with lambda Andromedae during the premiere of Verdi's opera Nabucco, which includes the famous "Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves." This opera, and particularly this piece, became an anthem of hope and resistance for the Jewish people, further entwining lambda Andromedae with Jewish resilience and identity.

At the time of Jerusalem's fall to the Romans on 30 August 70 AD, a crucial event that led to the Jewish Diaspora, the midpoint of Jupiter/Saturn was in opposition to lambda Andromedae. This celestial opposition could be interpreted as a cosmic reflection of the conflict and loss experienced by the Jewish people.

The formation of the modern state of Israel in 1948, a moment of profound significance for Jews worldwide, also coincided with the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint being in opposition to lambda Andromedae. This alignment underscores the star's continued relevance to key moments in Jewish history.

3. Modern Relevance and Future Significance

The forthcoming solar eclipse of April 8, positioned in conjunction to lambda Andromedae, coincides with significant political upheaval in Israel related to the ongoing conflict with Gaza. This eclipse also falls close to the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint. This celestial event mirrors the tumult on the ground, suggesting that lambda Andromedae continues to be a star of significance for the state and people of Israel.

4. Broader Interpretations and Cultural Significance

Beyond these specific alignments, lambda Andromedae's significance is further amplified by its position within Pisces, a constellation associated with transformation, endings, and new beginnings. This symbolism resonates deeply with the Jewish experience of exile, return, and the continuous struggle for sovereignty and peace. The star's recurrent presence in moments of upheaval and change suggests a celestial narrative intertwined with the historical and spiritual journey of the Jewish people.

Moreover, the visibility of lambda Andromedae and its engagements with other celestial bodies provide a cosmic canvas onto which stories of resilience, faith, and destiny are projected. Whether viewed through the lens of astrology, history, or symbolism, lambda Andromedae serves as a beacon that has illuminated key moments in Jewish history, reflecting the enduring spirit and the complex destiny of the people of Israel.

 5. Conclusion

While the interpretation of celestial events and their impact on human history lies at the intersection of science, faith, and mysticism, the connections between lambda Andromedae and pivotal moments in Jewish history are compelling. From ancient ties between Pisces and Israel to modern celestial alignments mirroring significant events, the narrative surrounding lambda Andromedae as the "Star of Israel" invites reflection on the ways in which the cosmos mirrors our earthly journeys. Whether or not one subscribes to astrological interpretations, the symbolic resonance of Andromedae with the story of Israel offers a fascinating lens through which to explore the intersections of astronomy, history, and identity.



The Voyager 1 mission, launched by NASA on September 5, 1977, stands as a monumental achievement in space exploration ( Conceived as part of the Voyager program, which included its sister spacecraft, Voyager 2, Voyager 1's primary goal was to provide detailed images and data from Jupiter and Saturn, their moons, and rings. The mission capitalized on a rare planetary alignment that allowed for a Grand Tour of the outer planets by using gravity assist maneuvers.

Voyager 1's trajectory was designed to take it closest to Jupiter in March 1979 and Saturn in November 1980. During its flybys, the spacecraft sent back unprecedented images and information about the two gas giants and their moons, significantly enhancing our understanding of the outer solar system. Notable discoveries include the first detailed images of Jupiter's moons, including volcanic activity on Io, and the intricacies of Saturn's rings.

After its encounters with Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager 1's mission was extended to explore the outskirts of the solar system and beyond. It was tasked with investigating the heliosphere—the outermost layer of the solar system's magnetic field and solar wind. On August 25, 2012, Voyager 1 made history as the first human-made object to enter interstellar space, crossing the heliopause and providing firsthand data about this boundary.

Voyager 1 carries with it the Golden Record, a 12-inch gold-plated copper disc containing sounds, music, and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth, intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial life that might find it.

Amazingly, despite the vast distances, it continues to transmit scientific data back to NASA, powered by radioisotope thermoelectric generators. The mission, originally planned to last five years, has far exceeded its expected lifespan, continuing to contribute valuable knowledge about our solar system and the interstellar space beyond. No doubt, this was a very lucky enterprise.

The astrological chart for its launch is shown below, using the sidereal zodiac.

The critical degree of zero Virgo is rising, a very apt harbinger of a vehicle that provided a long period of reliable, accurate service.  Mercury is Lord of the Ascendant, in this case relaying information back to Earth, and indeed taking a message from Earth on its gold-plated disk. It is in an inferior conjunction with the Sun in Leo, and in T-square with the Moon and Neptune. However Pluto is in the first house, benefiting from a conjunction with the North Node and trine the Moon, the latter being in the 9th house of travel and thus pointing to success for a very long voyage indeed.

 The MC represents mission control and close to it is the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini – the sign of science and communication. Mars is out of bounds in declination – an extra boost of energy. Mars/Jupiter is trine Uranus in the second house, a traditionally lucky configuration, and Mercury – the space probe - is approximately half-way in between. Venus is lady of the MC, she is sextile the Moon and in its domicile, Cancer.

And, to add a bit of extra luck, the Part of Fortune is in Taurus is partile conjunct the MC!

Events such as these, where timing and outcomes are known precisely, are of great value for the study of Astrology.



The Burke and Wills expedition, organized by the Royal Society of Victoria in 1860-61, aimed to cross Australia from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria, a journey of approximately 3250 kilometers. This was an epic undertaking, the first major European exploration of inland Australia, at a time when virtually nothing was known about it.

Led by Robert O'Hara Burke and William John Wills, the expedition consisted of 19 men, 23 horses, 6 wagons, and 26 camels. Despite initial setbacks due to bad weather and equipment failures, the team made significant progress, ultimately establishing a depot at Cooper Creek. Burke, Wills, and two others pushed towards the northern coast but were unable to reach it due to swamplands.

On their return, they found the depot abandoned and, after a series of misfortunes including monsoon rains and exhaustion, Burke and Wills perished in June 1861. The expedition faced numerous challenges, including leadership disputes, insufficient supplies, and the harsh Australian outback. Despite these difficulties, the journey contributed valuable geographical and scientific knowledge about the Australian interior. Seven men died, but Irish soldier John King survived, making him the only member to cross the continent and return. The expedition's legacy includes insights into Australia's interior and highlighted the importance of better preparation and understanding of the environment.

The expedition was recorded as leaving Melbourne at “around 4 pm”. The inception chart shows multiple worrying features. The lord of the ascendant, Saturn, is about to be combust by conjunction with the Sun…the expeditioners did encounter temperatures exceeding 50oC on several occasions! Saturn is also in semi-square the Moon and in opposition to Chiron.

Venus, is ruler of the 10th house and hence represents the leaders of the expedition, Burke and Wills. It is weak in the 6th house of sickness, in close opposition to Mars, square the Moon (in T-square) and quintile Pluto. The MC itself is squaring the Nodes. A very unfortunate configuration, and a clear pointer to the sad end of the leaders.

Jupiter is at the Descendant in T-square with Pluto and the Ascendant. Mercury, ruler of the 9th house of long voyages, is conjunct Jupiter and thus involved in the T-square. It is also conjunct the fixed star Dubhe, traditionally a Mars-like influence. The Moon is applying square Mars. There were indeed several skirmishes with hostile Aborigines.

Uranus is sextile Jupiter/Mercury – the expedition was successful to the extent that it revealed much about inland Australia, in spite of the demise of its leaders.

The Part of Fortune is conjunct Neptune, consistent with what at the time were the mysterious circumstances about the disappearance of the leaders. It was eventually determined that their demise was due to poisoning from untreated nardoo sporocarps – a classic Neptunian effect.

The outcome of this undertaking would have been far better if a skilled Astrologer was involved in calculating a better inception and timing this major expedition.


The Lucky Stars of the Amerigo Vespucci

Today, the 22nd of February, is the 93rd birthday of one of Europe’s oldest warships still in service – the Amerigo Vespucci. This tall ship has been used mainly to train Italian navy cadets, and it has sailed widely around the world, encountering a wide range of difficult conditions. (

For a Navy vessel to survive such a long period of time in active service, a strong element of luck would be required. Indeed her builders went to great lengths to ensure this would be the case. The launch date coincided with the day the explorer Amerigo Vespucci died. They had the local bishop celebrating mass on the morning before the launch, followed by a formal blessing. And finally baptism with a champagne bottle.

The inception chart is shown below. At first sight not a lucky configuration – Sun opposed to Neptune, and a Jupiter-Uranus-Venus T-square. However, a more detailed analysis shows some more positive patterns.

Aries is rising. Mars, lord of first House, indicates the ship as a whole. It is strong in maximum declination, and angular at the Imum Coeli. It is also biquintile the Sun, which is conjunct the fixed star Fomalhaut, traditionally a very positive influence. The Sun was also applying trine Jupiter.

Uranus is at the centre of the T-square. However it is conjunct the North Node, and also the fixed star Alpheratz, both having positive connotations. One could argue that in this context Uranus has transformed into a benign entity, and hence a T-square of positive elements is beneficial.

In this chart the part of Fortune is at midpoint of Jupiter/Pluto, another indicator of good luck.

While much has been written about the charts of enterprises ending in disasters, less is known about fortunate inceptions. There are several other long-lived navy vessels around the world, and their charts will be of great interest.

More details about the actual launch at


Algol and the Nuclear Bombing of Japan

The year 1945 will always be remembered as the first time a nuclear weapon was used during a military conflict, and hopefully the last. Hiroshima was bombed on August 6th, followed by Nagasaki on August 9th, with an estimated loss of life of around 320000 people. World politics changed drastically thereafter. The resulting terror of “mutually assured destruction” was followed by decades of cold war with Russia.


While much work has been published about the astrology at the time of the actual explosions, very little work has been done on the connections to the fixed stars and the ingress charts preceding these events.


The 1945 sidereal Aries ingress chart on April 14 has Virgo on the ascendant, a mutable sign, indicating that a new ingress chart is required for each cardinal sign. Hence, according to classical teaching, it does not cover this event. Nevertheless it shows Saturn close the MC in square to the ASC, consistent with the war time difficulties Japan was experiencing at that period.


The Cancer ingress occurred on July 17, three weeks prior to the explosions. The chart is very foreboding. It shows Mars at the MC, in close conjunction with the fixed star Algol and almost exact square to the Ascendant – a very explosive combination. The first degree of Leo, a fire sign, is rising. The Sun, ruler of the ASC, is cadent on the cusp of the 12th house, squared by the Moon and parallel Saturn, indicative of the imminent fall. Mercury in the 12th house is in exact square to the MC. On top of all this, the Part of Fortune is in opposition to the MC…It is as if there was a concerted cosmic attack on the MC, which traditionally symbolises the rulers of a country.


Mars is conjunct Algol approximately every 2 years, an event that needs watching very carefully. It was there at the 1912 chart of the Republic of China...

Ingress in Sidereal Cancer,

Tokyo,17 July 1945, 07:14 AM


Sidereal Aries Ingress,

Tokyo, 14 April 1945

Australia Day 26 January

On this day,  January 26th, Australia celebrates its national day. Historically this refers to the landing in Sydney of the First Fleet of convicts from England, on the 26 January 1788. On that day the Union Flag was raised by Captain Arthur Phillip, in Sydney Cove. The exact time was not recorded, however it was mentioned as taking place “in the evening”. If anyone has a better reference to the exact time, please contact me.

I have set up the inception chart for this event at sunset. It is a remarkable chart.  The Sun is in Capricorn, a sign long connected with the royal houses of England. There is a grand trine of Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, entirely consistent with the future success of the colony and its connection with the sea (Neptune) . Moon’s trine to Neptune also points to port activities and seafaring. Although in a waning phase, the Moon is energised by a close quintile from Mars.

There are a series of spectacular conjunctions with fixed stars. Venus is conjunct Fomalhaut, which neutralises the negative effects of her distant conjunction with Saturn. Mars is conjunct Sirius…and the HMAS Sirius was one of the two Royal Navy escort ships for the fleet!!! Neptune is conjunct Spica , consistent with brilliance arising from the seas. Pluto is conjunct Facies, the face of the Archer in Sagittarius, a sign that is connected with exploration. The Node is conjunct Acumen, the sting of the Scorpion.

At the time of the landing, two French exploratory ships appeared, one named “Bussole”, ie “compass”, the other “Astrolabe”…another incredible coincidence highlighting the astral connections to this event .

Sydney now is the largest and most expensive city in Australia, with a huge harbour and a very busy port. Its cosmic foundations are indeed…”rock solid”!


The Champagne Bottle did not Break!
 The Ominous Launch of the Costa Concordia


The Costa Concordia was a large cruise ship ordered in 2004 by Carnival Corporation from Fincantieri, and built in the Sestri Ponente yard in Genoa, Italy.

At the vessel's launch at Sestri Ponente on 2 September 2005, the champagne bottle, released by model Eva Herzigová, failed to break when swung against the hull the first time. This type of occurrence is considered a bad omen among seafarers, and this incident has been partially blamed for the ship's 2008 accident and subsequent 2012 sinking.

In 2008 the ship sustained major damage to its bow after it was pushed against its dock by strong winds in Sicily. This required extensive subsequent repairs.

On 13 January 2012 at 21:45, Costa Concordia struck a rock in the Tyrrhenian Sea just off the eastern shore of Isola del Giglio. This tore open a 50 m (160 ft) gash on the port side of her hull, which soon flooded parts of the engine room, cutting power from the engines and ship services. As water flooded in and the ship listed, she drifted back towards the island and grounded near shore, then rolled onto her starboard side, lying in an unsteady position on a rocky underwater ledge.

The evacuation of Costa Concordia took over six hours, and of the 3,229 passengers and 1,023 crew known to have been aboard, 32 died. Francesco Schettino, the ship's captain at that time, was tried and found guilty of manslaughter, of causing a maritime accident, and abandoning his ship. He was sentenced to sixteen years in prison in 2015. The wreck was salvaged three years after the incident and then towed to the port of Genoa, where she was scrapped.

The inception chart for the launch of the ship has multiple negative features – no astrologer would ever pick a bad time as this. The cursed degree of 19 Scorpio was rising at the Ascendant. Its ruler, Mars, was in opposition at the descendant, and in square to Neptune, god of the seas… The Moon had lost power, being waning and within 15 degrees of the Sun; it was separating trine Pluto. Pluto, co-ruler of the ascendant, was stationary direct at the cusp of the second house, pointing to future large financial losses. It was involved in a complex triangular pattern with Mercury, the Moon, Venus and Jupiter. It was also conjunct the fixed star Ras Alhague, the head of the “Snake Charmer”, which traditionally gives misfortune through women. Indeed the captain - Mr Schettino - was apparently distracted by an extramarital affair on the ship at the time of the disaster. Venus was conjunct Jupiter, but both were close to the South Node. At the time of the disaster transiting Mars and Moon were square to natal Pluto, the significator of the ship.

Captain Schettino’s connection to the ship is shown in his birth chart. Birth time is unknown, however his Sun was at 21 Scorpio, close to the ascendant at the time of launch…


Transits at the time of the incident. Outer wheel shows transiting planets, inner wheel is the radix, the inception chart.

The Solar Eclipse of 1908 and the Destruction of Messina

The Messina earthquake and tsunami of 1908 devastated southern Italy on Dec. 28, 1908. The double catastrophe almost completely destroyed Messina, Reggio di Calabria, and dozens of nearby coastal towns.

What was likely the most powerful recorded earthquake to hit Europe struck at about 5:20 AM local time. Its epicentre was under the Strait of Messina, which separates the island of Sicily from the province of Calabria, the “toe” of Italy’s geographical “boot.” The main shock lasted for more than 20 seconds, and its magnitude reached 7.5 on the Richter scale. The tsunami that followed brought waves estimated to be 40 feet (13 metres) high crashing down on the coasts of northern Sicily and southern Calabria.


More than 80,000 people were killed in the disaster, equivalent to the toll from an atom bomb. Many of the survivors were relocated to other Italian cities; others immigrated to the United States.


A few days earlier, on December 23, a hybrid solar eclipse took place at 1o Capricorn, just after the winter solstice, a sensitive time of the year. It was close to the South Node, hence more likely to be malignant. A key feature of this chart is the almost exact Uranus-Neptune opposition, with Uranus at the Medium Coeli and Neptune at the IC. The Neptune affliction of the 4th house is consistent with the huge tsunami that followed.


Mars, ruler of the ASC and the 8th house, was sesquiquadrate Saturn and prominent in the 7th house. It was also exact biquintile Pluto, favouring the release of plutonic energies from deep below the Earth.


Another curious feature is apparent on the Stellarium skymap – the eclipse is taking place right on the bow of Sagittarius, pointing down towards earth…


The Zeppelin Hindenburg Disaster 

The Hindenburg was the largest rigid airship ever constructed. It was built in Germany in 1936 and had a maximum speed of 135 km per hour. Despite being designed to be filled with helium gas, it was filled with hydrogen due to export restrictions from the USA. The Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed on May 6, 1937, while landing at Lakehurst, New Jersey. 35 people were killed in the disaster. The cause of the fire was officially attributed to a discharge of atmospheric electricity near a hydrogen gas leak, although sabotage was also speculated. The Hindenburg disaster marked the end of the use of rigid airships in commercial air transportation.

On March 4th, 1936 this Zeppelin was launched for its maiden flight. That this was a fateful inception is eloquently shown in the chart. We have Uranus at the MC indicating the nature of the event – the flight of a new airship. It is squaring the Moon at the Ascendant in Leo, suggesting that it would not benefit the common people. The Sun, ruler of the Ascendant, is conjunct Saturn in the eighth house of death. Both are applying in opposition of Neptune – the natural ruler of gaseous substances! Mars in Aries is squaring the Nodes, another pointer to a fiery end.


Influence of Astrology on Language
English, and many other languages, have a large number of words and ideas  whose etymology is derived from astrological concepts.

​Is it lunacy to consider that the flu disaster chronology has anything to do with astrology – even on a Sunday?

In case you missed them, the above sentence contains six astrology-derived words in addition to the word astrology itself. Astrology itself can be considered a language of sorts. And just as languages borrow words back and forth, many languages borrow astrology terms and concepts.

Some of the obvious ones are lunacy and lunatic – derived from Luna, the Moon. It is thought that the position and phase of the Moon affects people's mental states, thus the astrological etymology is rather direct. To call someone a “star” derives from ancient concepts about the influence of celestial bodies. Similarly, for “stellar” performance. An artist’s rise to fame could be “meteoric”, he/she could be a “rising star” or she could be “eclipsed” by a competitor or other events. Or could be at the zenith of his career.

Some other obvious astrology-derived words would be mercurial (Mercury), venereal (Venus), martial (Mars), jovial (Jupiter or Jove), saturnine (Saturn) and capricious (Capricorn).

The days of the week in many instances are also astrologically derived. Sunday (Sun), Monday (Moon), and Saturday (Saturn) are all readily apparent in English. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday seem different – but only because English is from the Germanic family of languages and some of the days are named after the northern European equivalents of Mars (Tew, hence “Tuesday”), Wotan (Mercury, “Wednesday”), Thor (Jupiter, Thursday), and Freya (Venus, Friday). The connection is a bit clearer in Romance languages.

It is not unusual to use individual star names, often for commercial purposes or to name ships. Examples are numerous, eg  – “Vega Australia Pty Ltd”, “Orion Global” property company, “Sirius College” educational institute…

Let’s thank our lucky stars for these brilliant insights…



According to the best sources, the current Ukraine government was founded on 24 August, 1991 at 5:31 PM in Kiev. The inception chart is shown, using the tropical zodiac. There is a concentration of planets in Leo, more so in the sidereal chart which would also place the Sun in Leo rather than Virgo. This is a clear indication of the courage and fighting spirit of its population. A crucial pattern is the T-square formed by the Moon, Pluto and the Jupiter/Mercury conjunction, a major stress pattern for the nation.

At the time of the start of the war, some very interesting transits to the natal chart were taking place. Pluto was almost conjunct the Ukraine’s Ascendant, with Mars also applying to the same. Saturn at 18 Aquarius was activating the T-square, being square natal Pluto and approaching natal Moon.

Looking ahead, Neptune will oppose natal Mars around end of January 2024, indicating the end of a period of relative weakness of its armed forces. This will be followed by Neptune sextile Ascendant at the end of February, suggestive of some gains in marine power. Jupiter will square the natal Moon at the end of April, possibly triggering over-optimistic feelings among the common people. Jupiter will trine the Ascendant around May 11, increasing the odds of major positive developments.

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